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160.315 happy customers

Get your pamo. Wardrobe for industrial accents in your entrance area
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4.8 with 3,140 ratings
Customer Inspiration
IDA METAL in the dressing room
Tanja – 03.04.2024, Instagram
“Fits perfectly! We love it :)”
Martin – 01.07.2024, Instagram
HEDDA OAK with additional shelf
Josi – 04.08.2023, Instagram
FINN in the hallway
Rajkumar – 22.02.2024, Instagram
FRED in the hallway
Ina – 15.05.2022, Instagram
“...I love it when DIY and industrial chic meet.”
Nadine – 28.04.2023, Instagram
KIM I in the bedroom
Paula – 23.04.2024, Instagram
“...created a showroom with the products from Pamo Design and are more than happy”
Kim – 22.05.2023, Instagram
LAS II in the bedroom
Melissa – 02.11.2022, Instagram
to match your room

Your space, your

System - Build your own

your own wardrobe.

With the screw system, everything can be assembled in minutes.

Einfache & flexible Montage, auch nachträglich.

For eternity! Robust & scratch-resistant thanks to high-quality materials such as aluminum & steel.

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For the inquisitive

Wardrobe from pamo.


Admittedly, the word Wardrobe might sound a bit stuffy at first and usually carries a negative vibe in our minds. No surprise there. After all, what pops up in our heads is often the image of a huge monstrosity that eats up tons of space and light. But thankfully, those days are over. Because wardrobes are no longer what they used to be. A modern wardrobe in the hallway is now a real eye-catcher and offers you plenty of benefits. What to look for when buying and how to find your perfect wardrobe, we’ll reveal to you now. Get ready to be surprised, because a Wardrobe in the Hallway has so much more to offer than you think.

Find the perfect wardrobe for your home!

Aquí encuentras el armario perfecto

Para encontrar el armario perfecto para tu hogar, debes tener en cuenta algunas reglas básicas. Además de tus preferencias personales, las características del espacio juegan un papel central. Esto incluye no solo el espacio disponible, sino también tu estilo de decoración individual. Especialmente un área de entrada pequeña puede parecer rápidamente sobrecargada con el armario incorrecto. Pero un pasillo grande también requiere un cierto sentido del detalle en la decoración. Al fin y al cabo, la entrada de tu hogar presenta tu casa igual que cualquier otra habitación. Por eso, la elección del armario debe ser bien pensada. Pero no te preocupes, estamos aquí para ayudarte a encontrar el armario perfecto para tu hogar.

Práctico y elegante: los mejores armarios de pared

Armarios de pared de pamo. tienen una ventaja decisiva sobre otros modelos: gracias a su diseño atemporal, se adaptan a cualquier pasillo. Estos prácticos y elegantes talentos del orden subrayan de manera única cualquier concepto de vivienda moderna. Especialmente práctico: nuestros armarios de pared vienen en diferentes tamaños. Así puedes encontrar el modelo adecuado según el tamaño de tu pasillo. Para una entrada pequeña, son especialmente adecuados Barras de armario y percheros estrechos como TILDA OAK, ALVA METAL y KIM I. En un pasillo grande, tienes más espacio para tu expresión personal y puedes dejar volar tu creatividad. Con un amplio espacio, las barras de armario abiertas como KIM II, KIM II DOUBLE, ELLA OAK y FRIDA OAK han demostrado ser efectivos, ya que le dan más estructura al espacio sin restringir el concepto luminoso. Así tienes suficiente espacio de almacenamiento, pero no tienes que renunciar al ambiente fresco y aireado. ¿Práctico, verdad?

Percheros en negro: Elegancia y estilo

Percheros en negro combinan elegancia y estilo. Se integran armoniosamente en cualquier ambiente moderno y realzan el encanto de tu entrada sin ser demasiado llamativos. Esto tiene dos ventajas especiales:

1. Nunca te cansarás de ver un perchero en negro. Porque el negro no es llamativo ni una moda pasajera. Al contrario: los percheros negros son un clásico atemporal.

2. Los percheros en negro se adaptan a cualquier cambio de decoración. Incluso si tu estilo de decoración cambia, tu perchero seguirá encajando perfectamente.

Perchero de pared en dorado: Un toque de lujo

¿Quieres presentar tu ropa de manera especialmente elegante y chic? No hay problema. En pamo. también tenemos Percheros de pared en dorado. ¿Apostamos a que dejarás a tus invitados sin palabras al verlos? Así, el dicho "Hablar es plata. Callar es oro" adquiere un nuevo significado. Porque un perchero de pared en dorado realmente destaca y no solo presenta tus chaquetas de manera impresionante. Todo el pasillo brillará de una manera completamente nueva. Y no importa el tamaño. Porque nuestros percheros de pared en dorado están disponibles para entradas pequeñas y grandes: Para un pasillo pequeño y estrecho, te recomendamos FINN GOLD, KIM I GOLD, HANG LOW GOLD, KIM I DOUBLE GOLD. En un pasillo grande, por otro lado, KIM II GOLD es la opción ideal.

Buy wardrobe at pamo.: browse through the versatile range

The perfect model for every taste

As you can see, pamo. leaves no wishes unfulfilled. Whether you're looking for a wardrobe in black or a wall-mounted wardrobe in gold, we have the perfect model for every taste. You'll also definitely find the right size. Our versatile range includes Wall Wardrobes, Wardrobe Rails and much more.

Discover the benefits: Why pamo. wardrobes are the best choice

Wondering what makes our wardrobes so unique? Well, at pamo., it’s not just about the looks, but also what's inside. That’s why our wardrobes are stylish and sturdy. Besides thoughtful design, we focus on high-quality materials. We use solid steel pipes with an innovative powder coating. This makes every pamo. wardrobe extremely stable and well protected against scratches and dents. The smooth surface is completely free of oil residues and feels great in your hand. Thanks to our wide selection, we offer Wardrobe Systems for all occasions. Looking for a wardrobe that doesn’t require drilling? No problem. We’ve got a solution for you. The magic word is OSKAR OAK. The metal rod wardrobe with an integrated shoe rack is freestanding and doesn’t require wall mounting. Because our motto is: “If it can’t be done – it doesn’t exist.”

Wardrobes and accessories: perfect companions for your furniture

Let your creativity run wild

As you know, there are coat racks in various styles. This means you can really unleash your creativity when designing your entryway. Coat racks can be combined in so many ways. Are you in the mood for some inspiration?

A must-have for your hallway: The shoe cabinet

A shoe cabinet is essential in any hallway. Shoes need a proper spot to help create a tidy living environment. But it doesn’t always have to be a cabinet where your shoes wait for you. A stylish coat rack with shelf is definitely the better choice. Your shoes will look way better on display here. Plus, thanks to a coat rack with shoe shelf you save valuable time. No more hassle of opening and closing a shoe cabinet. Another plus: A shoe shelf with a coat rack is super space-saving, making it perfect for small entryways.

Wall coat rack for jackets and coats: A highlight for your entryway

A hanging coat rack is also a real space saver. Since it doesn’t need any floor space, your hallway will feel much bigger overall. As the name suggests, the hanging coat rack is mounted on the wall. It provides ample space for your jackets and coats while showcasing them nicely. Did you know? Besides practical wall coat racks, there’s also a ceiling coat rack. HANG LOW and HANG LOW GOLD can be easily attached to the ceiling in just a few steps. Bet that no one in your circle has a stylish ceiling coat rack? You’ll definitely be a trendsetter.

Need more storage? Add a dresser!

Need space for your accessories? Then you should definitely pair your wall coat rack with a stylish dresser. KIM II is the perfect partner for this. The coat rack in trendy industrial design looks unbeatable alongside a dresser and gives your hallway a cozy vibe. You’ll almost feel like your entryway is a living room. But why not?

Perfectly harmonized: Discover products that match your living style

This coat rack suits everyone

First things first: Just because a coat rack is modern, doesn’t mean it fits your decor style. Besides color, the design needs to blend harmoniously into the overall look. What if there were models that always match? You might have guessed it. These coat racks exist. A coat rack in Industrial Metal Design goes well with any living space concept. The trick: Thanks to its stylish yet simple look, an Industrial Metal Design coat rack can survive any trend change. Because black coat racks always fit!

Wardrobe planning: how much space should you plan for?

How do I plan a wardrobe in my living space?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It really depends on your personal space. However, we recommend going for space-saving solutions like a hanging wardrobe or a ceiling wardrobe. This way, you’ll definitely be on the safe side. When planning a wardrobe for a large hallway, start by measuring the space. Then, pick 2-3 wardrobes that you really like. Check their dimensions and lay them out on the floor with old newspapers. This gives you a better feel for how the potential wardrobe will look in the room.

Smart space utilization: Tips for more space and order

Especially in small and narrow hallways, smart space utilization is key. So, your wardrobe in the hallway should be slim to avoid a cluttered entrance. Open wardrobes like the KIM I have proven to be effective here. This hallway wardrobe is slim and requires little space thanks to the integrated clothes rail. Even more space-saving and compact is a hanging wardrobe or a ceiling wardrobe. If you want to keep your shoes handy in the hallway, you should still skip a shoe cabinet in a narrow hallway. Instead, opt for a wardrobe with a shoe rack like the ALVA OAK.


Let’s sum it up
With a wardrobe, your entryway is definitely sorted. It gives you plenty of space to stylishly showcase your jackets and coats while keeping things tidy. If you go for a high-quality wardrobe, you’ll enjoy a bunch of benefits. Quality wardrobes are sturdy and reliable, always by your side. When you choose a robust and stylish wardrobe in industrial design, you’ll never have to worry about finding the right one again. You've already found it.